Monday, November 10, 2014

Hi, today, the trailers of the videogames so good.

Hi, today we are going to talk about the first videogame of Plants vs Zombies that get famous, lets start this.

Okay, plants vs zombies (the first version) is one of the most famous games popcap do, because they start from the bottom, and then, they grow, and grow, AND GROW!!!
Okey, there is the logo of popcap, if you didn't know it, I think.
So, plants vs zombies (first version) is not the typicall game that you heard the name and you think that is a war game, maybe, but no, is an interesting game, that when you play it yo get hooked with it and you say 
''hou, this is so intensive'' because when you see that you need to plant all the plants like a gardener.

Now, we would continue with another game of plantas vs zombies

I didn't played before this videogame, but I see, that some much people haven't played it because its on diferent types of worlds.
I think about the game (parts that I can play or see) that is not like the first version of this epic saga because the design of this version is not like the first one.
DID YO SAW THE DIFFERENCE, maybe yes, because is so obvious the head, the neck, the texture of the petals and of the flowers.
Okey, so maybe you get the point that I didn't like so much this videogame because they try to do a remastered part of a game that has been famous like 1 or 2 years, and this ''remastered part'' I didn't think is a good remasterisation.

Okay, lets continue.
Now the other videogame is a machine to produce money, because they selled it out to XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, PLAY STATION 3, PLAY STATION 4, AND PLAY STATION VITA, on the consoles that produce more money was on ps3, ps4 an psvita, because more people had that three consoles, but it has been selled before on the consoles of microsoft XBOX.
See it.
I think this was the best game that popcap and electronic arts do, because this really is a remasterised version of the plants versus zombies version 1, see the image another time and you would see that are three new characters on the zombies band, the soldier, the engineer, and the scientific.
On this videogame you can sellect what type of soldier or plant you want to select, because is the fire flower, fire pea shoother, fire cactus, and fire chomper.
So this is one part of my blog, I would continue later. 

Hi, this is my first blog, and on this blog I want to talk with you about a videogame, someone maybe didn't know about it, but I think you would you like it so much.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PLANTAS VS ZOMIBES!!